Effective relationship and sex education is essential if young people are to make responsible and well informed decisions about their lives.
The objective of relationship and sex education is to help and support young people through their physical, emotional and moral development so they can move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood.
These sessions provide impartial and factual information which allows young people to make informed decisions.
These sessions also aim to provide young people with the information they require in relation to Contraception and Sexually Transmitted Infections to enable them to respect themselves and others and enable them to develop the skills and understanding they need to live confident, healthy and independent lives.
This Topic is split into 2 sessions. It is possible to select one, or both of the sessions:
1 – Contraception
2 – Sexually Transmitted Infections
Pupils Will (depending on which session is delivered):
Have an increased understanding of what Contraception is and why we use it.
Have an increased awareness of the methods of Contraception available and how to use them correctly.
Have the opportunity to see/touch/experience some of the methods available through demonstration/participation activities.
Be aware of the methods of emergency contraception available and the circumstances under which these may be required.
Have an increased understanding of what Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) are.
Be aware of the possible signs and symptoms and treatments available, and of the different methods of transmission and how to keep themselves safe.
Have the opportunity to participate in a practical activity to enhance their understanding in relation to transmission therefore promoting safe sex.
Understand peer pressure and how this can affect the choices they make.
Be empowered to have the confidence to say ‘NO’ so as to delay the onset of sexual activity.
Have an increased understanding of the male and female reproductive anatomy.
Have an increased understanding of a healthy loving relationship and of the need to respect themselves and others around them.
Be aware of the legal stance/age of consent in relation to partaking in sexual activity.
Be aware of where to go to get further advice/information and obtain contraception.