Baby crying. Relationship and sex education

Effective relationship and sex education (RSE) is essential if young people are to make responsible and well informed decisions about their lives.

The objective of relationship and sex education is to help and support young people through their physical, emotional and moral development. Children need high-quality relationship and sex education so they can make wise and informed choices.

This session aims to help children learn to respect themselves and others, and move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood.

It also aims to provide children with accurate information around this subject and enable them to develop the skills and understanding they need to live confident, healthy and independent lives.

This Topic is split into 3 sessions. It is possible to select one, two or all three of the sessions:

  • 1 – Puberty and bodily changes.

  • 2 – How Babies are made, How Babies are born.

  • 3 – Boy Talk/Girl Talk – this session involves splitting the group and discussing issues related to the individual sexes.

Pupils Will (depending on which session is delivered):

  • Have an increased understanding about Puberty and the physical and emotional changes which take place.

  • Have an increased understanding of the reasons why Puberty happens.

  • Be able to identify different changes between the sexes.

  • Be confident to deal with the changes they will undergo throughout puberty and adolescence.

  • Have an understanding of the initial processes of human life from conception through to birth.

  • Have an increased understanding of a healthy loving relationship.

  • Have an increased understanding of the need to respect themselves and others around them.

  • Have an increased understanding of the importance of giving consent in relation to keeping themselves safe.

  • Receive accurate information to enable them to make healthy choices.

1 hour – sessions 1 & 3
90mins – session 2
Cost:£90 per session
Number of delegates:Maximum of 30
Target Group:KS 2

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