A person's hand holding a smoking cigarette. Backlit with a red light.

Cigarette smoking is the greatest single cause of illness and premature death in the UK.

Around 10 million adults in the UK smoke, two-thirds of them having started before the age of 18, with around 4000 children/young people between the ages 12 and 17 starting to smoke every single day.

The aim of this session is to inform children of the dangers of smoking and the harmful effects it can have on their health and their lifestyle.

It also aims to show them the benefits of not starting to smoke and will encourage them to make healthier lifestyle choices.

Pupils Will:

  • Be aware of the dangers of smoking and the harmful effects it can have on your health.

  • Be aware of the effects smoking can have on their lifestyle choices.

  • Be aware of the chemicals in cigarettes and how they affect your body.

  • Have an understanding of the reasons why people start smoking.

  • Have an understanding why people find it difficult to stop smoking.

  • Be aware of the dangers of passive smoking.

  • Understand peer pressure and how this can affect the choices they make.

  • Be empowered to encourage adults around them to stop smoking.

Duration:1 hour
Number of delegates:Maximum of 30
Target Group:KS 2

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